Frequently Asked Questions

We sure do!

A repository of Sunbelt PL/B samples has been created on GitHub. It can be found at: sunbelt-plb-samples.

The samples also contain the latest include files and skeleton files. As new samples are updated or developed, the repository will be updated.

For those wishing to download the source files and not familiar with GitHub, once the linked page is displayed you may click the green button with the "Code" caption and then select "Download ZIP" from the menu.

Please give us your comments and feedback!

Yes we do!

Sunbelt has created a YouTube channel for demonstration and programming videos.

These videos are located at: Sunbelt PL/B Programming.

Quality should be set to 1080p for best viewing.

Please give us your comments and feedback!


Our VS Code extension supporting syntax highlighting and code folding can be found on the visual studio marketplace.

An integrated terminal can be used to compile and debug programs. The default file format is UTF8, and you might want to change this for PL/B. To do this just:

  1. Click on 'Programming Language for Business' at the right side of the bottom status bar.
  2. Select: Configure 'Programming Language for Business' language settings. This should bring up the settings.json file for editing.
  3. Find and click on files.encoding
  4. Select the new default encoding such as windows1252 or CP437 (DOS). The settings.json file will now have the following section:
    	"[plb]": { 
    		"files.encoding": "windows1252",
  5. Save and close the settings.json file.

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